Sunday 30 November 2008

The last post

Well, now the year it´s finished and the post on blogs too.
This is the final post and it's a evaluation of this experience.
To write in this blog it really cost me... I don't have the habit. A few years ago, I had a blog for the class of workshop when I was "mechona", I didn't write so much, but now it’s diferent.
Since the semester started, all this months, we had to wite on the blogs about diferents topics, after all class.
At first it cost me because I spent a lot of time trying of join the ideas of my mind. Sometimes it happens to me that I forget everything and I was in white in front the screen. Now it happens to me too... but not so frequently.
I liked some topics, as the movies and where I would like to travel, but also there were others that I did not like as the summary, I found it very boring, sorry...
I think that it’s not the same thing to write in english that been living in a country where they speak in english, but a learned a lot of new words, compared to the past semester... now I ready to go to London... I hope...
Now seriously, I admit that I don’t like the english in comparation with others languajes like the italian or the french, but it have so much usefulness.
I still commit some mistakes of spelling, but now I understand much thinks like the new in english or the programs that I use for the career.
In conclusion, to write in the blogs is of great utility.


I love Santiago.
Since I was living in La Calera, a small city in the fith region, I realized that I like the big cities. I always boring and in the small cities there are never entertaining activities, as being able to go to the theatre or have many places where to go out.
Here in Santiago it's diferent.
Some people hate Santiago... they prefer the countryside or any calm place, but they say it because they have not had to live all life in there .... it is a "lata", the roosters of my neighbor singing at four o'clock in the morning. Uff..
I don't care the smog, or the whole noise, I like my life here.
In general, I like big cities, and I hope someday visit many of theys like New York, London or Rome.

Tuesday 25 November 2008


A few weeks ago we have to visit the site This's a site where people who talk, speak about different topics.

In the class I watch the video of Sir Ken Robinson "Do Schools Kill Creativity".
I also watch some others videos like "Design And The Elastical Mind" where Paola Antonelli, MOMA design curator, talk about the design and how it's present in every what we do in our lifes. She explain the colaboration that designer and scientist done in a exercise, and how we envolt into world of technology and the same time how we transform it for make it useful for every people.

I always remember that when I was on Kinder, I was painting a landscape with a blue three. It was a nice draw, but when the evil Tía Rebeca (one of the teachers) saw my draw, she almost shouts me.
She said me that how I couldn't realize that the threes were green!! OF COURSE that I knowed, but the point is... like said Sir Ken Robinson, schools doesn't help us to develop our creativity and that affects the elasticity of our minds.

Paola Antonelly says that a good designer is like a sponge that absorve all kinds of information. It's funny but I had listen that before, and it's totally true, of other way we might not proyect. That’s what I love the design, the power to observe the world and the ability to transform it.

The Blogs

In this post I have to talk about the blogs of my classmates.
I admit that lately I have not worried so much for my own blog, basically because I didn’t have the sufficient time, workshop typically.

With respect to the others blogs, there are some blogs that I almost don't read.
The reason is the colors and the text. Some blogs doesn't have photos and that makes so boring to read them, because has so much text and provokes some weariness in the sight, in addition the colors sometimes are so dark or very similar between them.

There's a blog that I like, principally for his photos. It's the blog of Pablo Serrano, he know exactly what picture to put in his blog for create harmony with the colors, and also are very beautiful, like the photo of the australis road or the photos of the dog. I took one picture of his blog and I put it in mine, hope he don't bother.

The Dark Knight

Maybe it's not my favourite film but I really enjoyed seeing this movie.
The Dark Knight is the second film of Batman directed by Christopher Nolan, a english director who made some years ago Memento, another great film.

In this part Batman (Christian Bale) have to confront to the Joker ( Heath Ledger) who want to destruct Gotica city.
I went to see this film to the cinema some months ago, here in Santiago centre, with my brother.

Batman always like to me, since I can remember.
The others super heroes had magnificans power but Batman was more human, he didn't have super powers and he only used the technology, but that's exactly what makes special for me, in some way, any one of us could be Batman (obviously if you have all the money that Bruce Wayne have).
Backing to movie, the film stands out for his good script and photography, and also has very action. Totally recommended, specially if you need a great dosis of Hollywood movies.

Tuesday 4 November 2008

The jewel of the pacific

One of the most beautiful places of Chile, for me, is Valparaíso.
Valparaíso is a unique city, his port and hills full of houses and stairs; they are located as an amphitheatre looking at the sea.
His houses hang of the hills and stand out for his fronts painted with strong colours.
Easily, one can go and get lost for the city; Valpo is full of corners for discovering. The elevators are a panorama not to lose ... some of them are in functioning for more than 100 years, and still they work with the same technology since then.
I like in specially the Concepción and Alegre hills, his houses are beautiful and the walks have to the best viewing-points of the city like the Atkinson or Yugoslavo.
But, without dude, the best of Valparaíso is the people. One can find persons of all parts of the world and each one reaches to the multicultural identity of the city.
Like before to come to study on Santiago, I was living in the fifth region, it was common to go every weekend to walk to Viña and to Valparaíso with my family, lamentably now I don't go so followed as I wanted.
Other panoramic of the city are the cultural carnivals that it realized to the end of year, in they makes theatre, poetry lecture, batucadas and in the nights, the Sotomayor square fills of people for some musical spectacle... last year I went to see to Los Bunkers.
Every New Year, we go with my family and friends to celebrate to the city, the fireworks are beautiful, one can see the entire coast illuminated, up to Viña del Mar, in addition the streets are full of people and every world is happy that day, so, what thing can be better than that?


Guernica of Pablo Picasso is my favourite piece of art.
The painting represents a scene of desolation, death, pain and suffering after the bombing to Guernica the year '37 by part of the Nazis during the Spanish civil war.
It's was an order of the Spanish government to Picasso, for the pavilion of Spain in the International Exposition of Paris and he decided to paint it in white and black.
The first time that I saw the painting was in a cultural TV show when I was around 10 years old. Then, impressed it me for the size of the picture and the strange forms that it had, and even it giving me scare because I found it so cold. But after, looking the picture, I realized of the meaning of the painting. The horror of war and all the destruction and death that it cause.
When I look it I feel sad, for all the pain that the war can cause in the innocent people that nothing has to see with the fights of big leaders and their hunger of power, and that’s exactly what makes especial, the painting remember us until where can come the human being, and what things must no happened nevermore. Lamentably some doesn’t realize yet.

The guardian

Royal Society to research potential of geo-engineering to limit global warming

The Royal Society has announced plans to study which geo-engineering techniques might best to face the climate change, by means a feasibility study and of this form, play a practical role facing the worst impacts of climate change.
Geo-engineering includes aspects like to reflect sunlight placing mirrors in space or sowing the ocean with algae that can absorb carbon dioxide of our atmosphere.
In the introduction of Philosophical Transactions, the diary of the Royal Society, academics of the University of Manchester and Cambridge wrote: "This interventions may be risky, but less risky than doing nothing. This measures will give to our planet a safe equilibrium."
The working group's report is expected to be published next year.